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Friday, July 04, 2008 @ 19:38
SHE GOT THAT APPLEBOTTOM JEANS... Today was COLLEGE DAY and zomg, it was a whole lotta fun!! I SWEAR, I HAD THE BEST FUN EVER. I mean somethings were a bit blech, and most of the time, since i was in House Council, we're always on our toes - BUT OTHER THAN THAT.......... zomg. so fun. I love all the housecouncilors, i mean, if one was missing, i ASSURE you, something will crop up. Like mr ong said, it wasn't perfect, and there's still lotsa room for improvement - but i guess, for our first event, it was great, at least i enjoyed it!! Then there was the street markets - I THINK EACH AND EVERY STALL REALLY DID FANTABULOUS siol! I mean there were so many creative things going on and like there was a lot of delishiooooooooous food and everything - how could it not be great! I AM UBER SUPER DUPER LUPER TROOPER PROUD OF 08S26! I AM SO PROUD OF OUR STALL, my only loss is that i couldn't help out more that and i didn't get to eat the nachos and whatnots ): There was also the SAINTS idol, which was quite okay!! And hahahah, ANTHONY lee is our st idol! HAHAH hc is proud of you boy! Lol, and hahah he got DUNKED by sakinah!! :D There are so many things you learnt about people in these sort of situations, and mostly all the things you learn about yourself. For instance, i can never feel truly prepared without any pre-preparations; the extra stuff i did for myself etc, i mean without it i'd feel a little lost!!! And like, things about myself that i need to improve too. The people around you, they're your mates, your people, the ones who should have your backs if anything happens, and i'm glad they're the ninth (READ 9TH - LOL pam chua read it as.. neen-th) hc, i mean, we had each others back no matter what, and that's just a good thing. And you know what they say, you can't have too much of a good thing (: There are still SOOOOOOO many things that we have to work on, but we will get there! NOW, let the rambling stop and the pictures begin! OH my brother left the other day, so here are some pics too! peace! back to top? |