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Monday, February 08, 2010 @ 22:35
Yet another day as a Saint

Honestly, last I checked, that was a prominent part of the life of a Saint - the Pattaya rice. I don't really fancy it, but I know soooo many people do, to the extent of witholding their hunger just so that they can get the Makcik's Pattaya rice, which she usually only makes in the afternoons. People look forward to it. And well somehow, such a litte plate of fried rice wrapped in egg omelet with Makcik's very own designs (Somedays it's a person with curly hair, other days its flowers..and so on) where each design is made with all her TLC will become a lovely memory of my life at SAJC.

I guess what I'm getting at is that, well.. I have to appreciate the little things, cos it's in the little things in life where miracles happen, and with it the fruition of joy. There's a lot I have to be thankful for, like for example, the fact that I'm still in JC, which usually brings about bitter thoughts to my mind, also has its perks. I have the luxury of having fun, doing stupid things, still depending on my friends, laughing out loud and chucking "etiquette" to one corner. I have the luxury of holidays, and well sometimes, though I really wish I didn't, I have the luxury of making mistakes and being forgiven for it. Seeing my friend's today reminds me of the realities of life, where soon, I'll have to face co-workers and employers who obviously leave no room for error, hours dedicated to something that I may or may not be passionate about, the realities of the ADULT fare busrides, etc. All the harsh realities of the world will also fall on me, and knowing my idealistic self, it'll probably eat on my life force. So yeah, right now, I have a lot to be grateful for. The bloody grass is always greener on the other side. For now, I really have a lot to smile for.

I met my secondary school friends today. It was a short dinner.. yet the familiarity warms my heart. Not everyone was there, but it still felt very good. Like seeing people I once spent my days laughing around with. All that blue and grey.

Heyyy, hey people~ WOOO HAAAH
I wanna knoww-ooohhh-oooohhh
If you love our class!

I wish I had more time to catch up, to really talk, to listen. But hey time cannot be bought, so maybe another time and place. (:

Oh, and Wengs told Hearts something which she told me, which I find sums up what ought to be my motivation to study and so on (which I really ought to, I'm so behind everything!): Remember your failures

Think about it.

Love, Jans.


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