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![]() OKAY, no its amanda actually. heregoes ladies. 1) Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed? hurhur - neck (: 2) How do you feel when you woke up this morning? Cranky cos I had to shampoo my hair! 3) Who was the last person you took a photo with? Marissa lynn ((: 4) Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? Only in the deepest depths of family where NO ONE ELSE knows, though, not often (: 5) Would you ever donate blood? YUPPS! I was sick the previous time round! 6) Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? yeah, only a few. 7) Do you want someone dead? Yes. LETS NOT GO THERE! 8) What does your last text message say? "Nah, its aite"-dhidhi 9) What are you thinking of right now? DINNER. okay its late but I didn't eat lunch either. 10) Do you wish someone was with you right now? Yupps ): 11) What time did you go to sleep last night? ER, one a.m i think. or midnight! 12) Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now? CEDAR- ZEAL SHIRT BABBEH!!! 13) Is someone on your mind right now? HAHA, yes. since saturday. GOO soccer. (heeee) 14) Who was the last person to text you? Dhidhi! 10 PEOPLE TAGGED TO DO THIS QUIZ :(hmm you don't really gotta do it, unless you wanna!) 1. Kwoi! 2. Marissa 3. Sofia 4. RASUUL! 5. Syaf:D 6. nadia 7. LEEELEEELEEE 8. nick 9. ELFA 10. huihui!:D 15) Who is 2 having a relationship with? (marisssa) well, "its complicated" 16) Is 3 a male or a female? (SOFIA) female. 17) If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing? (CHERYLEE&gay!) AHAHA yes damn good - they'll be the scream machine and make scream-y babies! HAAHAHAHAHA! 18) What is Number 1 studying about? (Kwoi) Bowling, or hot IDOLS in kdramas or maybe 19) Is Number 4 single? (Rasul) I think so? lol (HEEE rasul, sape seh buah hati kau!) 20) Say something about Number 2. (Marissa) She's a really cool friend who's cute funny and athletic to the MAR! 21) What do you think about Number 3 and 6 being together? (Sofia&Nadia) Farid will die, and well, so will 3's mom! 22) Describe Number 9. (Elfa) SUPERSMART&first SA buddy!. 23) What will you do if Number 6 and 7 fight? (Nadia&Cherylee!) AHAHA they won't can - super nice people! 24) Do you like Number 8? (Nick) Obviously (: 25) Between 4 and 5, who do you prefer to have a r/s with? (Rasul & Syaf)Rasul's a guy, so the heterosexual side of me would pick him, BUT WELL, me & syaf always promised that if we're not married by...(how old ah?) we'll marry each other! wheee! AITE. in the words of "Rin on the Rox" ~ like it, love it, hate it, whatever (: I love this - hope you watch it ((: <3 jaye. p/s: TOMORROW I'M WATCHING WINTER'S TALE! Excited soooo much! F.O.C too! WOOOTS! Omg, ethan hawke. hee. Okay, system failure, hot guys reach saturation point.HEE ((: lol, i guess I'm having a pretty okay day! AND SYAFIQAH. I DON'T CARE AH, YOU'RE COMING, EVEN IF ITS ALONE!!! *MUAKS* back to top? |