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Thursday, December 25, 2008 @ 02:41

In lieu of the very FESTIVE season, I shall well, post in very festive colours! :D heh! OH AND NOTICE THE CHANGES? HAHAH, please, if you remember WHY i even change anything of my skin, its only cos a GRAVE mistake had happened. AND SHITTERS, i did the sameeeeeeee mistake. I.e. I was replacing the song and I accidentally backspace-d everything below the song html. BUMMER. So if you're link isn't there, please like tag me on my tagboard, so i can link you up, all over again. HAHAHA, lol, I just linked up those whose url is already saved in my drop-down thingyingy.

OKAY so yesterday, I went shopping with mummy (: It was fun/funny/annoying and well, everything a mother-daughter outing is usually like. heh. I bought some stuff, and well I bought Cheryl's XMAS present! HAHAH, I'm glad she liked it!! Hmm, I shall wait to get her other half of the present, ergo her card, then I'll take a photo and send it over! HEH. 
(THE GREAT EXCHANGE. I swear we were playing hide&seek with each other! hahaha :D)

I don't know why I feel so cheery! I think partially cos its christmas (really??). But I also think a huge factor goes to the fact that mum bought some really lovely stuff that I wanted (yayness) and also cos i brought my DICKIES bag out. Well, I'm really in love with it so yeah. ALSO cos I got myself what may be a very lovely book. AND well today (its 2am so I keep on typing tomorrow) I'm gonna go over to my chinese family for some HAM/TURKEY AND OTHER YUMMY THINGIES! (all from swensens, of course. hahaha). Also probably cos of HIM. And well, most likely also cos I met cheryl, and well crapped with her a LOT on facebook. (I swear Mr Tay is gonna freak when he sees the lame-ass comments we left) Also likely cos I got to talk to Theresa, and well that was pretty fun. And also prolly cos I'm meeting SOFY tomorrow! (yayzers!) BUT MOSTLY, i think its cos, I'm making myself feel happy. Not depressed, not emo, just plain ole' HAPPY :D

I am such a loser. I feel like wrapping up all my stuff I bought and opening them tomorrow/today, like OHGOSH, FOR ME?! kinda thing. HAHAHA, I know, super loser. 

One thing that is SUPER stuck in my mind is PRAGUE.  Prague this, prague that. HEH, its lovely tho. Especially thinking about the preeeeeeetty memories. HEHEHE. But then I swear, no matter how hard I try, its AWFULLY hard to like keep Prague off my mind. Cos everytime I go on facebook, I'm always bombarded with Prague related things. OH WELL, I think I shall savor this for now, cos you know, once I really begin forgetting about it, its gonna be so...sad. )):

OHOH, and I'm having a hair thing. HAHAHA. SEE:
what was! (THIS WAS BRAIDED so its actually way longer then what you see)
What was! (This was like after my pink prom hair, I cut it up, cos i was.. inspired for change!)
What is! (HAHAH, kinda. My hair is still tinney bit longer than that, and alot messier!)

Lol, just reminiscing of the past. Hair is like my life force, and somehow, whenever there's change or a need of change, I do something drastic to my hair. Or try to. Lol.

ALRIGHTY THEN. Merry Chreeeestmash to all.


p/s: hope you love the new song. my xmas gift to the lovely readers. (if there's any!)

p/p/s: omgomg. hahah i just realised, that I WAS BORN ON A THURSDAY, and well this year's christmas is on a thursday. HAHAH okay i know, super random!
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