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![]() Disclaimer: this will be a long long long post. I met up with girlfriend the other day! :D Lol, she made me wait FOREVER. But it was worth it! We went back to Cedar, to collect our SGC (school graduating certificate) and her o's results (tsktsktsk). We even met E.T. Which was good for me but not exactly her cuppa. Anyways, after that we made our way out!!! Being in the vicinity of the purple line, after much deliberation we went to... PLAZA SINGAPURA. hah. BIG shocker there! There was so much wishful thinking involved on our way to dhoby gaut. "lets eat CHEESECAKE!!!" -says i "ohoh and SUSHI SUSHI SUSHI too!!" -says she "YEAH! and and and.. hmmm, i dunno we'll just eat eat eat!!" -says i HAHAH, when we did get to PS, the jap/korean fair was still going on - YUM! we walked around and decided on some jap crepe. STRAWBERRY CUSTARD AND CHEESECAKE ~ makes the custard sound like its strawberry flavored STRAWBERRY CHESSECAKE AND CUSTARD ~ now it's like the cheesecake is strawberry flavored CHEESECAKE, CUSTARD AND STRAWBERRY ~ aha! pass. W e were trying different algorithms at naming our crepe (WHICH is pronounced more like CRAP than CREEP), and somehow none of the names felt that right. Haha, but we'll survive, i mean we've got a delish crepe to make up for the "unnameable" name. :D Then we went into our favourite sushi place, CARREFOUR! Hahaha, okay we're a bunch of budget girls and having very VERY selected tastes. Our favourite sushi is CHUKA HOTATE gunkan (scallop). I mean it is the SEX. (: hahaha, oh and Tamago (Okay, we know you're probably scowling but TAMAGO is da bomb okay. I don't care what you say, just don't insult the Egg!), EBI and well we tried something different CHUKA KURAGE gunkan (jellyfish). yummy (: After that the two of us decided to watch a movie, so we hopped into the earliest movie they had - RED CLIFF. Zomg, its a damn good movie, and i think everyone must watch it! It was quite funny, cos we both had curfews, she more so than myself- and like only halfway through the movie we realised its already 7pm! :O uhoh, we were like, omgomg, faster faster - YET still enjoying every part of the movie. The war scenes and so were like FUYOOOOOOOOH. heh! EXACTLY when the movie ended, we literally ran out of the cinema. Cos she had to pee we rushed all the way to the toilet; after which we ran all the way to the mrt and DOWN THE ESCALATOR cos the train had arrived and was already about to leave!!! :D Its like one of those lucky times where you actually get to catch the dumb train when you least expect it!! WE HAD A GREAT DAY - and well both of us reached home in time, so no problem there. When i arrived home though, i had to rush through the GP research essay - which was like bleh cos i kept on falling asleep in front of the computer. It was a group essay, but there was less group involved - but its okay, i'm kinda used to it. As crazy as it might sound, i kinda LOVVVVVVVVE my gp topic, cos its of those things which really made myself think about the issue, its implications and so on, not simply somehting which i would've googled and like paraphrased what i read. So it was cool. (: Commendation Day~ We had morning assembly at the CC, as usual for every friday. There was no chapel though cos it would've been held at the Cathedral instead - where commendation of the student council would be held. (Didn't i say i'm in a very VERY christian college? heh) So well when it was about time for the students to go and make their way to St Andrew's Cathedral, the muslim students had our "alternative programme". I must say its a lot more fun than our usual activities. :D We had the pyramid game (remember long time ago before MediaCorp there was TCS which had the same game hosted by some guy; i think the set was like very VERY purple) and it was in english for the benefit of the non-malay muslims. It was so fun! I mean you should see some of our kecoh-ness and gubra-ness (malay for excitement and noisy-ness). We were like stamping our feet and what not! I had house meeting after, which was at 4.30pm, but i was done with school at about 12pm? SO guess what, this makes me super proud - i had like so much time to kill, i went to study! I did some math tutorials, and well i finished my rubbish GP stuff that i hadn't, and well, read some gp. HAIX the only thing that pisses me off was i forgot to put everything in the freaking pigeon hole! (blech.) -_-" heh. Oh well. adios muchachas! love! |