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CRAP! Didn't take a photo of what I cooked with Hearts.. SIGH. But it was yummy..Together we made: 1. Campbell Cream of Mushroom 2. Sauteed Onions 3. Sauteed Mushrooms 4. Sauteed Bell Peppers 5. French fries 6. FARKING YUMMY DONE AS YOU LIKE IT Sirloin Steak+gravy. 7. Creme Caramel Custard WOW. Heeee. The sirloin steak was so delish. And done with the help of Oliver. Jamie Oliver, that is. I was beyond proud of my steaks, done for 3 people - my brother, me and Hearts - and it was perfect to each ones liking. CONSIDERING IT WAS MY FIRST TIME. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And its so simple, really. Just get the steaks cut to your liking, then with some olive oil+salt+blackpepper and well a little worcestershire sauce (oh and the thing is if you put the sauce then HOLD the ladle fulls of salt. BALANCE. cos the sauce is salty too). THATS ALL bitches. SO not like some recipes where there's a THOUSAND little ingredients. HAAHAHAH. Yay. (can you tell I'm super happy?) So the only...challenging part would be how to cook it to just the way you like it right?? Jannah: medium Hearts: medium-rare Redhuan (my brother): medium-welldone (but by the good graces of forgetfullness he got hearts one instead of his. the plates got swopped accidentally! >.<) I read on the Jamie Oliver webbie that the rule of thumb of cooking steak is as everyone knows is all in the timing and the heat right? So Jamie said (see, we're on a First Name basis!) for about 2cm thick steak that's about 200g, you have it about 2mins on each side, for medium rare.. SO FLIP FLIP FLIP, and some agar-ation here and there and BOOM. Here you go. Hmmm, how does it look like?? This is his: ![]() Imagine my steak to be half the width, and WITHOUT the sauce underneath it (his has peanut sauce). PLUS ![]() Imagine JUST the ONIONS. :D PLUS ![]() THESE mushrooms. But on an old tefal pan. AHHAAH. PLUS ![]() Bell-peppers like these only CUBED and more sauteed and well-done :D AND THEN.. IMAGINE them all in one plate! WHEEEEE. It was good, it was fun.. it was totally spontaneous. HEE :D Yet another lovely Sunday with Hearts. Labels: Life as it happens back to top? |