Friday, September 11, 2009 @ 04:51
tunneled in.

You know, I was just thinking to myself, "What did I do with my whole Thursday?". I thought, I thought, I thought and I just couldn't remember. I was thinking, it's Friday - gonna be Saturday, and I can't remember what I did on Thursday?! OMG what's wrong with you (by you I meant me, of course).
Then I realised I read my days wrongly and well, I kinda am still living my Thursday - well if you're as nocturnal as me, you'd think that the days only start when the sunshines in your room! So I stopped panicking, took a deep breath, and.........nothing.
I have nothing. As in honestly. For the past, let's see..6 days of the September holidays so far, I've got nothing to declare, nothing that manifests my undying effort put in for my Promotionals.
Just you wait. I'll prove to myself (and fight the bitch that is procrastination and stupidity) that I'll be fine. Great, maybe. But just fine.
Hope your hols are way more fruitful than mine (:
p.s: I took that photo in a subway tunnel in Prague. hee!
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