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![]() I learnt a lot today. Maybe not at a rate I wanted it too. It all seemed too much too soon. Though the problem is, it was very much required. I'm just so depressed, sad, tired, disappointed at what happened today. Choir was.. I'm speechless. It was the most heart pain session, I have ever experienced. Ever. In my whole years of schooling life. From dance captain in primary school, MLDDS vice-presidency till a member of choir, I have NEVER felt this much heart pain from a GRR. Its just so, I'm the kind, even if I don't like doing something, I'll do what I can do, to the best that I can. I mean from idiotic things like PW and stuff. I take pride in my work, and pat my head when I get it done, well. I do. If you can't already tell. So this totally frustrates the living daylights out of me. The fact that I'm NOT the best that I can be. I don't want to give up. I don't wanna break. I don't wanna hate singing. Though, I think, slowly but surely, the Altos will get there. The Sops, will get there. The Tenor and Basses, will get there too. We will, we must. We are one, aren't we? I don't want us to lose out, when we haven't even gone halfway, all because we didn't give our best when we should've. We had a talk, the Altos, after choir. Finally, a burden feels lifted, us having been able to voice our opinions, our concerns, our needs. I hope we trust each other more. I hope we're spot-on when it comes to notes, rhythm, whatnots. I hope we excel, and in that way, bring the choir up to even greater heights, cos we are more than able in doing so. (omg. I just realised i haven't said those words since, PSL board. omg.) I hope the choir will be united. I want for us to laugh together, cry together, practice together, and carve out the FONDEST memories ever. It's the best times of our lives, isn't it? I want us to really reach the best, to be able to sing with pride, passion, and simply love what we are doing, together. It isn't easy, for sure. There will be hard times, like today, but we really gotta stand up, and take everything in our stride, and work to achieve the greatest things we can. A prize/placing from Prague would mean NOTHING, if we hate each other/won't work together/simply dispassionate about what we do. Wouldn't bringing home nothing but the greatest of memories and well, the knowledge that we sung our hearts and soul and did the best and well truly loved doing it, be a whole lot sweeter?? (okay i think i'm babbling now.) I really loved sajchorale at one time. Like loved. Like when we sing i get goosebumps. I won't lie, nowadays, I ask myself why am i here at all. I wanna just let the love ignite again, let my passion for this bunch of 19crazy people that sing songs of all sorts grow again. This time, I'm not gonna lose it. The fire, that is. “The men who succeed are the efficient few. They are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop themselves.”- Robert Burton “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” - Mark Twain “It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.” - William Somerset Maugham <3 these crazy bunch of psycho misfits (: love! back to top? |