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![]() Well you better believe it. RAMADHAN is over! Oh My God. Its over? SO SOON! I mean, okay, I don't have to fast no more, but well the holy month in the Islamic Calendar is gone. POOF! *whoosh* I mean, did I do enough? Was I pious enough? Did I make use of the month as i should've? So many many questions! Haix. I hope I'm blessed (: I must say, the suasana Aidilfitri (the hari raya atmosphere) really isn't there. I think cos yet again, we celebrate it in Singapore for the first day. I still haven't quite gotten used to it yet. And also i think cos instead of being at the mosque, I'm stuck at home doing my I thrive for the whole Hari Raya atmosphere and the fun, the laughter, the wearing pretty clothes (which btw: i haven't gotten any new raya cloths T.T sobs), the MONEY, the whole raya-ness, i LIVE for it. But then, i guess as we get older, these things tend to get more and more and more trivial, no? HAIX. Back to the most fucktarded subject ever created in mankind, pw. *JIA YOU JAN!* to everyone.. Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri, mohon maaf zahir & batin. Kalau tersilap kata atau kelakuan, maaf eh. Semoga sentiasa panjang umur, murah rezeki, dan semoga silaturrahim kita berkekal untuk selama-lama. May the month of ramadhan brought you loads of blessings, and well bucketloads of luck for your exams. Have a good time - food, family and friends. Selamat Hari Raya (:
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![]() Lol, to think i usually write lyrics as my title, and I can't, cos its all KOREAN. o.0 ANYHOW. bleh much - my tragus hurts. I dunno, everyone around me thinks its infected, BUT I REFUSE TO BELIEVE. I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE! Well yesterday i spent the whole morning - i.e from 1.30 till about 4am treating my bloody ear. From what I found online, flushing it with warm water, icing it, cleaning and cleansing. So yeah. Then i changed my stud. OUCH. I swear. OUCH. (ohohohoh. its RAINING. i love rain!) I wanted to put through a labret in, so i disinfected it as much as I could - boiling in hot water, all that shit. BUT WELL, shit siol. Damn sian. When i tried from the front, I can poke it through all the way, but I can't find the hole at the back. When I tried the reverse, I could go through all the way but can't get through to the front. BUMMER much? I tried for so LONG, through so many tears and sweat (no blood thankgod!) BUT STILL CAN'T GET THROUGH. I was so annoyed I decided to use the hook from those chandelier earrings. The thin kind and all. IT GOT THROUGH. I think the thing was that my tragus was pierced at an angle, so yah. I KNOW I KNOW, i should probably take it out, leave it be, go doctor and all, but I can't BEAR IT! I've never gotten infected before, so I refuse to believe thats what happened. I leave it, and well, if it doesn't get better by.. Friday? Or so, then I'll take it out or go doctor! B.U.M.M.E.R. I swear its all my brother's fault. HE WAS BORN AN ASSHOLE lah. Fucker. I came home pierced, and everything was good so i showed him, then he purposely hit it. (I am still so darn bloody pissed at him. really leh. Whats his problem. Its not like he's 7 eh, he's 27 MORE LIKE it.@!£$%**&^%$£@) and then bad things started to happen. -_-ANNOYED. I don't see why i have to stay in sg to do my eom. I mean, isn't that why there's technology in the first place? Come on jan - FINISH YOUR EOM! :( back to top? |
![]() Yes, my poor tragus feels sore. I think its cos I can't sleep on the other side of my head, cos my darwin's tubercule is also pierced on my other ear. Go figure right? Bummer. ANYWHOO. So I watched 2 new movies I like it Hot, Hellcats and The art of Seduction . Both, i must say, were pretty impressive! Hell Cats - well I was really moved at some parts, and well it really talked about the issues ladies have to face. Besides that, the guys were.. oohwee. :D The art of Seduction - OMG. It was hilarious at all the right parts and well it made me quite high, and woah-y at some parts. Lovely! Both are Korean movies. To think So-hee in Hell Cats, is like a year younger than me o.0. hahah ![]() ![]() Besides that, I'm still re-living the movie from yesterday. I absolutely love it lah, please! It was so.. ahh. No words. HOW CAN I NOT LIKE THE MOVIE? The guy sings so well. And they're all cute, and can act. WOAH, much? ![]() Jang Geun Suk. woahs. ![]() love! |
![]() I am so happy. But at the same time, I feel partly empty. But that would be worth another entry. Anyhooo, I've just got back my korean/japanese show habits again. :D I watched this movie - I saw the trailer of it, EONS ago and its supposed to be really good, and at that time me and syaf were anticipating it like NO OTHER :D- DOREMIFASOLASIDO. Its Korean AND DANG the movie brought me up, down, all around. But the ending was good, it had a good storyline, and the acting. WOAH. The singing. WOAH. The guys..WOAH WOAH. hahahah ![]() ![]() this trailer is in korean. you can get the english subbed ones from youtube, but the sound isn't great This is one of my favourite songs :D If you're interested, heres the link from crunchyroll. Its so not your typical teen flick - its more real than ever. All the time, as always, the foreign films do it way better than Hollywood ones. Favourite movie of all time, for sure (: HAPPY mugging, muggers (pssst - you shouldn't be here!! 0.o) i'm gonna binge on more shows!! GOD I love asian guys!
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![]() Its an amazing liberating feeling that you get - not having to think about the examinations ever again. for the time being . I won't lie, I'm worried for the darn verdict. But I swear, its nice to be able to sleep again, breathe again. Anyhow, instead of like spending my utterly precious time B.V (before verdict, that is) here in front of the comp, i'm gonna go OUT and do stuff! :D haha. I PIERCED my tragus. I may be piercing something else before I feel phobic again. NOT TO MENTION, i'll finally HANA YORI DANGO. thank god! oh and collect my shoes. EGGCITING MUCH? oh, did i mention - kwoi came over once? and i slept over her place too (: ![]() the flying pig and the lazy fish ![]() <33 ![]() heh. ![]() love this girl. in all ungayness tho. :D ![]() i'm titillated. we're titillated. Oh before i forget - me and kwoi went over to chee's place. WOOTS. hahah looks bigger in pictures somehow. BUT STILL love his place. AND MONOPOLY. haha. Chee lives in EUNOS and guess who I met? AHMAD ISA. My day was utterly made! Its a lovely feeling - the warmness, you know - when i met that dodo after so bleh long. I must say, friends forever, eh? (DODO- good luck for your exams hor. and dang you're so poor thing! nevermind, JIA YOU JIA YOU!) love!
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![]() I pray you look after me. I know I didn't work the hardest; I should've I know I didn't use my time wisely; I should've I know there are many things undone; I should've I know I didn't think; I should've I know can't do anything anymore; I should've. But just this once, I pray You look after me - just this once. I've never been so scared - for something which shouldn't be so trivial, it seems to be the test of my life. Please. Just this once, help me. please god, I've wanted so many things in my life which I never got, and I know I've been many a times ungrateful for what I did have. But please, just this once, help me with this. i beseech you. i beg you. |
![]() Well, I had a good day today, I must say. Studying wasn't as productive as I would've wanted, because of all the stuff we had going on today. BUT hey, it was all great. There was a Literature Class - hahah, Ms Zhou totally went berserk on us, for not going for her other Literature classes that she's had over the hols and stuff. -_- Okay, well we deserve it. Thank god then, for the internet, eh? After which I went home and talked to Kwoi for a bit, did some other stuff, and well prepped for literature play - Love's Labor Lost, held by the SRT's The Young Co., at DBS Arts Centre. Hahaha, I couldn't decide what to wear. And mother came home earlier, so i had to change and stuff -_-" But oh wells. I was late. HAHA, big shocker there. When I arrived, Fock and Sakinah was waiting for me. Evidently, they had no idea that they had worn matching colors - I thought they were a couple, till I realised who they were. Heh. So well the four of us - Zen, Fock, Sakinah and me headed down to the theatre, by cab. Fock was being all man, settling the fare first. (i love it when guys are so man. says a lot about them!) The play, overall was good. Because I have never studied it before, I did have lots of difficulty with the language. But I must say it was still highly entertaining, and very well played out. So after the play, we went around the Clarke Quay area - still bright though. Zen needed to go, and so did Sakinah. Elyssa, who kinda joined us after the play also couldn't have dinner. And Fock needed food. Bad. HAHAH. And well I was fasting. So it was like 5.30pm right, and well break fast is about... 7.05pm? I offered to dine with Fock, whatever the time, cos well I'm okay with the whole eating in front of me thing - but he didn't feel comfy (: Well, I actually had no plans to be out that late, but we decided we'd eat dinner when I can eat dinner and wait and stuff. But before that, the four of us, (without Zen) walked around Central - the shopping place at Clarke Quay. Kainona. Everywhere you turn, FOOD. Right, FOOD. Left, FOOD. Not that I was hungry or anything, I really wasn't - but like I wanted to buy a lot of stuff. Especially since its all so bloody Jap. And you know I love things Jap! We did buy stuff from this bakery shop "Petit Provence" & "Marcial Kobe" - omg luh. They had the coolest bread and the delishiosoest goodies. At Marcial Kobe, all four of us bought the tiny donuts, and me and Fock split the fishies! Heh. Cool stuff yo! Sakinah and Elyssa is amazed at Fock's silence - HAHA. I don't blame them exactly; if you didn't know Fock, you'd be amazed too. They were like, worried for me cos we were gonna have dinner together, and they were all like, "Omg, silent dinner" and stuff. Lol, but it turned out quite fine for the two of us. And BLODDY funny. And Fun. flexing.food.4minutesmore.WAITER!.theseven.camwhoring.gaybabiesborn.babiesdying.class. receipt.bread.donuts.food.fish.oyster.funnyknife.cliques.friends.promos.labyrinthtoilets.busstops. GOOD FUN Cos we cool like that. yo. LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST the three cool people. the lovely ladies (: and i won't lie. I heart my shoes! yummy I can't wait for promos to end. Whilst fate isn't on my side, I'll know its all my fault. I'm ready for the music bummer.
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![]() oh.my.mama my arms are flaps that can be used as wings now. or curtains. or windows. omg. shit. bleh. thats it. i'm running. darn
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![]() (Means did you know. Just felt like titling my entry that). Man, so much for dreams of ponning school - nature did it for me. I got my fever back, and my throat is ugh-er. I would much rather be in school, thank you very much ): Anyways. So many people were in my dreams last night. Sorry, I have an utterly vivid imagination. HAHA. True though. (Remember the action movie dream I had, Kwoi?) Lol. Sometimes I am amazed by my own imaginings. Anyways. Last night (this morning) there was Marissa, Jeg, Luqman, Kwoi, malay stall Aunty, Fock, Haresh, Adeline's classmate and Chris. These were the ones I remembered - BUT there might've been more. It was cool shits, yo. I'm so jumpy inside and so happy. Its so weird. I'm usually cheerful, but I'm not usually happy and a contented person. So I love this feeling (: I shall use it to study! ARGH. LOVE you all. I hope the nsboy makes it through fine. |
![]() a quiet blog is a happy blog. Hahaha, only because that means that I finally went to school (: It was nice to see the friends. The lessons, as usual, makes you puke blood.. Love hate relationship, but oh well. You live through it and maybe, just maybe, by some grace of God, you pull through. Oh dear. I am in a psychotic high. I'm very very very high. Its almost very very weird. I went to look at some online shopping stuff and I think I almost went nuts. I couldn't stop smiling to myself. Kwoi's right, I'm right. I'm utterly in love with the idea of Love. I've said this tonnes of times, over and over again here, but I'll say it again. hopeless romantic |
![]() Did I mention Hancock and Wanted are great movies too? ![]() ![]() |
![]() DAMN! I've always ALWAYS been a fan of marvel & dc comics made into movies. ALWAYS. All the time, Every time, Anytime. I swear. You know, I always end up watching ACTION movies way way way way long after the movie comes out in the cinemas. I have no idea why, but yeah. Damn, I'm so guy. Shitzu. iron man. oh mama. Thought I'd get it out of my system. HAHAHA. In the end of the film, there was the scene with Samuel L. Jackson. When I heard Nick Fury I was like omgwtfbbq! The next one could be related to the Avengers. I know its hard to relate chicks with like comics, cars and all these other guystuff, but believe it. Oh gosh, I can't believe I have to wait until I graduate to watch the sequel. AHH. War Machine. Mandarin. Happy and Pepper (OMG no. Please, Tony Stark is waaaay cooler than Hogan will ever be!?!). Avengers. Am I excited? Hell Yeah! HAHAH. Its back to those days when I was o.b.s.e.s.s.e.d with Superman and the X-Men. So many fond memories. Haix... HEH. FYI, I haven't watched Batman yet. Yeah. Kill me now. Its okay; like I said, I always watch ACTION movies wwaaaaaaaaaaaay later than their release dates. Okay, X-Men were an exception. I feel like watching Matrix (all 3) again. OMG jaye, go study or rest. Man, can my sickness just GO AWAY?! P.S. Did I mention Robert Downey Jr is the fucking SEX? Omg lah. NOW HE'S A MAN. Damn. Is it so hard to ask for a suave, sexy, confident, charming guy like him? Hahaha, okay, I'm in my own world (: I used to watch him a lot as a kid, in loads of romantic films. Its no wonder I have the hots for him. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Dang.
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![]() I fly like paper planes.. All hail the sick girl. She can't go to school right now. Bummer. SHITS. Another day stuck at home. Hopefully it'd be more.. productive than the day before. Bummer. FYI, I'm still so confused about so many things. But something tells me I ought to take life by the horns. (Was that even the right expression?) My toenails are "blackberry" again. Its actually a deep, wine-ish red. And I kinda like it. Its different from the whole bright bright bright colors. HAHA. I won't mind bright if I had bright. But I don't. So yea. Its nice though, this color. Feels sophisticated yet goth, girly yet cool. Kudos to Estee Lauder. I'm waiting for my cheque to register into my account. Still waiiiting. Then I can buy some lomo cams like I've been wanting to. Yayness. Damn I hate staying home. I miss school. In school is where I've got truckloads of funny memories, eyecandies (tons) and friends, so I'm quite entertained.. All day long. Being at home - not so fun. Especially since the only people online are Poly people, during the day. And all my poly friends also can't really layan me, and I get it - cos they're in school and stuff? Yeah. Jia you me! |
![]() Now that its all said and done... HAHAH, my second post of the day. DAMN, I'm bored. I swear, I'm studying. But its soooo lonely. No eejit to laugh my ass off with. ): OH MAN. I'm lonely.. (ahhaha think AKON people - I still have no idea how that song made it) Hmm, I just went to the doctor's. And I went to print photos for service learning. You know the walk from home to the place was quite torturous. I'm telling you, I'm so depressively sick that I kinda ALMOST cried whilst walking. All cause I felt so sick. BOO. I went to get the photos thing settled first. WAKAKA. Omg. I was so impatient, waiting for the bloddy (when i spell it this way, think Brit pronunciation!) photos to load and everything. NOT to mention, I felt cheated in SO many ways. I mean per photo costs 30cents. OMG lah. I wish I lived near Parkway ): PLUS, it'll only finish processing at 4PM TODAY. Bloody shitzu. The guy is just sitting there.. and sitting there... and sitting there. He can sooooooooo get in done in YAY long, but no.. why? Cos if you want it done in an hour, its 50cents per. AIYO. I swear I sound like a makcik (aunty) complaining and complaining. I'm sorry I complain a lot when I'm sick. Kwoi says she's so sleepy in school right now she could "fall asleep walking or sitting down or talking". POOR THING. I feel your pain. Only now, I'm in a lot of pain. I feel congested everywhere! And quite claustrophobic. Aiye. Besides that, hmm.. If you must know, I'm very proud of my previous entry. Kwoi's right, its like a gp essay. But it doesn't contain as much bullshit as my gp essay usually does! Heh. Hmm, a hurricane hit Cuba yesterday. The hurricane has a name, and its name is Ike. I've always thought Ike was cute. But I take it people feel Ike belongs to all things monstrous, big and.. windily destructive? Hahah. Omg, sorry, I shouldn't have laughed. At all. Thanks to this, Florida is now in a state of emergency and well, its predicted to affect Florida on Monday (today). Its affecting more than simply Cuba or Florida. Haiti too, and the other small islands around there too. If you knew that something like this would be affecting you so soon, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO? I'm the calm type during emergencies, but seriously - what do you do? Really. All those poor people, their homes. Who cares if their American (I know so many american haters going like, hmm serves them right)? I mean if they were Russian, Iraqi, Israeli, Lebanese, French, Czech, Vietnamese, Chinese - who bloody cares? They're humans after all. You imagine a home that you've been living at for so long that the door frame has markings of your height over the years, gone just like that. Dang. What am I complaining about, stupid photos? There are bigger problems in the world. I forget sometimes; I really am not that important. There are bigger things happening in the world around us, and we fail to see it sometimes. You know all this shit about war, fighting, and so on. I mean its all bullshit. Its all about power between pompous men, and don't you even dare deny it. Its so sad - I mean, we're really all we have in this world. Humans. We're all really in deep of each other, and by the time we realise it, it'd be too late to do anything. I know I sound so bloody hippy, but its true. We're killing people. I say "we" because even if we're not really out there with the guns and all, we're not doing anything to stop it; not voicing out our spite. Just sitting, and watching, and seeing it pass us in the news, every single day. I know - HOW could we be of any help? I mean its not like we're able to do anything direct to stop it, right? Not having an opinion, not taking a stand, not saying anything is as bad as encouraging all the genocides, the murders, the children's deaths. We allow it to happen. Will it ever stop?
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![]() You know, I'm bloddy damn sick. And it sucks. To the core. Sucks. On soooo many levels. I'm miserable. I'm so sick, I can't even fall asleep, which is weird since sleep and me are like....woosh. "She should have been born a pillow, so she can lie on the bed all day long" - Dad to Anqi. So when I do fall asleep, it isn't a deep sleep; So I woke up exactly when I got Jeg's sms, i.e: 4.45am? Yeah. Like that *snaps fingers* Oh and speaking about Jeg, seriously - I feel so bad ): I can't go to school today cos I'm sick, and he's all alone, doing the scrapbook for Service Learning. I mean, I feel damn bad cos like he has to do the whole thing by himself! Bless his cotton socks. I hope the class helps him. If that someone doesn't, I'll kill him in so many ways he'd wish he wasn't born. HAHA. No, seriously. Man, so poor thing. Like I'm thinking I might drop by school to help him out! Oh, another thing. Mother nature must be in a good mood. But it could be a false alarm. I stand corrected - Mother nature couldn't possibly be a woman; after all the things she makes the female race go through, I've concluded "she" must be a misogynist. (It means men who hate women, fyi) Lately, I'm using fyi a lot. Like woah. Heh.. God, I'm damn random lah. Oh I've gotta share my service learning experience. On the day itself, 4th Sept, we all went down to Queenstown Primary. We worked with dyslexic children; holding a 4hour day camp for them, with loadsa activities. I'm one of the ICs, so I won't lie when I say that Service Learning is like my baby. I've put so much effort into it; proposals after proposals, timelines after timelines, ideas after ideas. It really wasn't easy, and took a lot of my mental capacity. (What do you think, I can pluck ideas from the air ah?) I was really excited to see my baby fly! But at the same time, worried. Anyways, on that day itself, there were so many ups and downs. A lot of things we didn't expect, and at some points, I must say we were ill prepared. I know the speaker from the DAS told us they were normal kids, but they emphasized so much that these kids were slow and all that we didn't expect them to be that normal. Really. They were just like all my little cousins. Danial Rafar, Danial Molok, Nabilah (omg), Aizat, Izat, Fariz; even my nieces and nephews - Syafiq, Ain, and Lara. It was like playing with my little relatives; all their different personalities were there. Seriously. They were little setans (devils) just like some of my own cousins, and they were little angels, just like them too. I don't see this looming "DYSLEXIA" anywhere at all. The only supposed "sign" of them being dyslexics was their eminent creativity - you could see it during the doorknob art. If my child was dyslexic, at least I'm prepared. I'm prepped for an absolutely normal, creative, adorable, naughty, lovable child to call my own. School work - pish posh. Your academic ability does not measure who you are, and these children ought to be told that, "Its Okay". The problem with Singapore is that education becomes a measure of who you are - which is totally unfair. Many a times, people won't even look at you, unless you're smart and intelligent, and from a good school. This is a definite loss to our society. Imma mentioned in her blog that she doesn't quite like the system of education here. I agree, almost whole-heartedly. I swear the pressures we face are boundless. It no longer becomes a personal goal to simply succeed and do well; it becomes an overbearing need. Many a times, it isn't about passion for learning anymore. Half of the time, we do it so as not to embarrass our parents (woopdeedoo) and the other half, we do it cos its kind of what we're programmed to do. Don't get me wrong, I am in utmost agreement that education is important for every individual. I think however, the only reason that this education system even works for our nation in the first place, producing good results and all, is because we're so god damn Asian. We're so afraid to lose face, we're so afraid to go against the norm. Why oh bloody why. I mean, seriously, WHO BLOODY HAS TUITION at PRIMARY ONE?! Singaporeans. Half of the time, foreigners don't even get what tuition is. If you mention tuition fees, for example, they'd think you mean university fees - not a twice a week visit to some place, sitting down for something that feels oh so familiar. "Hmmm, didn't i just WENT to school? How come I'm here again?" I won't lie though. Because everyone has tuition, and simply because in school, everything is in compress mode (a.k.a everything is being compressed into our poor brains in such a short period of time, we can barely BARELY keep up) that in order to survive, even I need tuition. But unlike most Singaporeans, I have never actually had tuition. Only in primary six - simply because my mother wanted me to sit down and study, not exactly cos I needed the academic help. What the shits, I've got friends who has tuition for EVERY subject in school. So wouldn't that be just like attending school, again? Only in totally different timings? I don't know. I know that for sure, the education system here has produced - however only because we follow it like as though its the words of Mao Zedong, and we are the PRCs. I swear. I mean you integrate this education system into other societies, and you might have a deteriorating society. Or in America's case, hell loads of protest. (Okay, I've might have gone a little overboard with exaggeration) Eitherway, as a kid, I've NEVER had a school holiday where I'm not sitting down doing holiday homework - even when I was 9 years old. Holidays, aren't holidays for us really. They're more like "work from home" days. Except for when you graduate from an education institution, your holidays are spent with either projects, math sums, english essays, etc. The list is endless. Reading about the youths elsewhere and their "summer vacations" will make anyone green with envy. Hah, the laments of a Singaporean student. How very typically Singaporean of me - complain, complain, complain. I love my country for everything it has done for me, providing me with lots of protection, diversity (something very rare in many nations) and helping me grow. If anything, this is the one thing I can't stand about it. Not everything is perfect now, is it? Tough love, tough love.
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![]() Oh my punani. (HAHAH, lol, its a joke between me and kwoi!) GASPETH! (its like a more ole english GASPS! heh..) I'M sick, and i tell you the truth - I REALLY REALLY hate it. I sat down to study today, and my head kept on BANGING and banging and banging. And my nose. MY poor poor nose; dripdropdripdrop. I swear. And I've also got phlegm coming down my nose, and my throat feels so congested. Yup the gory details for you to relish. I'm supposed to spend today studying my butt off. But well, it was totally wasted away. But I did have some really cool dreams; some were very bloody weird and scary. I know Kwoi, jo, chee were in it; everyone else is a blur! Haix. How, you may ask, was my september holidays spent? I can safely say, almost in total waste. I did study, but still not as much as I would've wanted to. On the more spiritual side though, I'm quite pleased. I've been going to the mosque every night, and well praying and wishing and hoping. Thursday i guess was my most ACTIVE day; In the day, I had THE service learning! Like, finally. After all the hard work me and the rest of the class has put in, we can safely say, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. (i guess it'd never be as cool as how mr. cruise says it, no?) In the night, I had BUKA PUASA WITH THE BRADY BUNCH. Okay, NOT really THE brady bunch, but my brady bunch for sure. Those bunch of locos who are loud wherever they go and spell family in so many different ways. My ymers (: Also, I went out to study with kwoi the other day! Fun, and well not as fruitful, but who cares? (: I have a lot of photos I owe the world; lets hope I remember which ones to load! OUR TIM TAM SLAM party. Kwoi brought the milo, I brought the timtams. DAMN they're good. FYI, did you know Milo is actually AUSSIE? Hahaha, I've always had this idea that they're Malaysian, somehow. The TIMTAM-ERS! :D AND.... THE timtams! Haha, YES that is Jo's very long fingers. Jealous much? Me eating MY RAMEN! At last a nice normal picture of us girls! The reason. Abg Sat, Fariz & Ami! ME! i LIKE this shot (: KWOI and ME <3 See, we really did study. 0.o Toodles. I might not be at school tmr. Bummer. ): |