your anonymous thoughts?


Thursday, September 06, 2007 @ 15:58
Right now, i'm at the AMK HDB Hub, in the Hello! shop, and i'm using the computer available. Oh sweet solace. As i was browsing through a blog that syeek and i shared, i realised that i composed a piece of poetry there, that wasn't Dylan Thomas or anything, but it wasn't BAD either. It was to me, pretty good actually. Do check it out, readers..

TRAAH. I may watch a movie with mom, since i haven't stepped foot in the cinema since... harry potter 5.

well tell me, does my poetry suck? if not then i'll publish more:)
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@ 12:36
viva la HANDPHONE!

Oh, its quite a wonderful world isn't it? Well on the contrary to the absolutely morbid and demeaning post i had written previously, this would surely lift spirits! Well my spirits mainly:) I HAVE RETRIEVED MY HANDPHONE. My mother got a phone call yesterday from Enaeem mosque, telling her that somebody had returned a telephone they found in the toilet. RAHH. The huge mystery is how the hell it got there. I for one hadn't step foot in that mosques in MONTHS. Another thing is that when i lost it, i was in Al-Istiqamah, the mosque near my place. HMMM. I told sofia and syafiqah my theories, and well MAYBE it is true. But well i still think that my theory is just a load of dung, so that's that. All i can do is be THANKFUL, very very thankful that my handphone's back!

On other things, MY little sunkiss went to the vet yesterday, due to some accumulating discharge near his left eye. After consultation and some treatment, it seems that Sunkiss had scratched the corner of his eye, causing some swelling and bleeding, and thus the discharge. Well the thing is, the vet now made the cat wear what the call an Elizabethen Collar, which looks like a funnel thing that some dogs use. Its quite funny actually, the first time he had to wear it. He was so determined to try to take it off, but alas, he fails. Now he just looks really sad and depressed, cos he lost some of his ability to judge distance, since he can't see much with the funnel blocking his view, and well there's the difficulty in eating, and not to forget, always bumping into things.

I know it sounds mean, but it really really is cute, and funny. Well he only had to use it for like about a week or so, unless his eyes don't heal then longer. Pray for him... heh..

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007 @ 01:53
i can't believe it.


Can anybody believe that i've LOST MY bloodeh phone? Seriously?

I am just too agitated. I mean how could i have lost the phone in the first place? I swear if i had lost it, I WOULD KILL MYSELF. If somebody had taken it, I WOULD KILL THAT, SOMEBODY. Maybe its the world that we live in now, but that phone is practically my life! I have these great photos with friends, lame-ass videos of sausage-mania pasta time, and oh shit, me singing (zomg! i can't believe it, I'm sorry i even tried to record my singing!) And I kinda cried buckets and buckets, because i had no idea how i could have lost it in the first place. Its quite depressing actually.

I guess its not that big a deal, is it? In the first place I have no idea how i got so dependant on the phone. When i wake up, the first thing i do is check the phone, the first thing that i do before i sleep is check my phone, when i see something nice, i take out my phone to take a picture. BUT i don't have a phone, and i keep on getting reminded about it. RAHH, i'm babbling again.

STOP jaye, stop.

help me all.
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Saturday, September 01, 2007 @ 13:13

I, Nurjannah, has gotta be the luckiest person in the world. NO KIDDING! Yesterday, me and syafiqah went to VIVOcity, to go to the Heroes event. When we arrived, there was a crowd, but not a huge crowd, and there he was, NICHOLAS SAPUTRA! woots!!!! hahah. But the best thing is that nobody really knew who he was, and so the two of us went towards him!!! And we took pictures! GEES, he's so super hot!

jaye and nicholas saputra

syaf and nic!

then whilst waiting we saw the UTTERLY HOT, and totally married JOEY G, or Joey James Ghazlan, the CHANNEL [V] vj!
He was really nice and friendly, and we were talking to him, and i was asking him whether he could hook us up! BECAUSE i had NO IDEA that if you didn't have tickets you can't be in the "nearer to the stage" crowd. RAHHH! the only thing is, JOEY G DID HOOK ME UP!!! i totally love him for it! hahaha. But well its all for a price! In like a competition thingy, they needed four people on stage, (me included) to re-enact the YATTA scene, where Hiro Nakamura bends space and time and teleports from his scrummy japanese office to NYC TIMES SQUARE! so i had to go first, and the crowd cheered loud! (^.^)v

And this other girl named Sophia went, and she did okay, but the audience didn't cheer her on that loud.. and then the ASSHOLE guy,(the reasons he's such an asshole comes in a list, he was disturbing me, etc etc etc, and like he WASN'T called on stage but he just went up when i was caled, he was standing next to me when joey called me!!@#$%^& RAHHH!) he was telling joey that he had a *ahem* SORETHROAT. yeah right mofo! APPARENTLY, he told me and syafiqah that he has never watched HEROES, and was only there cos they were popular etc. SO he didn't know the scene at all, and wanted to try to get away from doing what he had to. JOEY G told the audience, and everyone boo-ed him. HAHA! and he did yatta, SO LOUDLY, SO LONG, AND SOO SUPER WRONG! the audience just jeered him all the way. After him was a primary 6 girl who didn't know the scene (erm, riggght..) but she did it, and it was okayLAH.

then they audience had to cheer for the one whom they thought should win, and they cheered ME! thankyou thankyou. i was so stunned that they cheered for me, but i felt so happy! ANYWAYS, the HEROES arrived, not all of them, but thats aite.. Masi Oka, Ali Larter, Greg Grunberg AND Sendhil Ramamurthy! AH, utter hottness


goodday all! lovely LOVELY DAY!




jaye and VJ SARAH

MASI AND ALI LARTER being escorted






SENDHIL, AND ME!!! RAHH. he's hot and very married!





tell me, should i chase them around town? cos that where they're gonna be at!
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Glee. moved. Safety pins, holding up the things, that make you ... And I won't back down cos life's already hit me. Fear is the heart of love. by the way, i tried to say i'll be there When the sun begins to shine.. Uninvited. inhalexhale. smiles.