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![]() I'll find my words. Somehow. You know, I dislike people being in my business, and this even extends to my own family. Unless you're a person of concern, that is, like my best friends and stuff, I do not like you minding my business. At all. The worst part is, I know these people have no really bad intentions. Somethings though, are my own business, and I do not appreciate people talking about it, telling other people about it, and then asking me how I'm doing. How do YOU think I'm doing, knowing that people are talking about me when I'm not there? Sigh. I know I sound pissed, but really I'm not. I just wish people would ask ME and not other people. Frankly, I would tell you - its not like I can thwart it in anyway, anyways. Mediocre, will not get my anywhere. I know that. Which is why I wonder, am I prepared for the second year? Or should I start right back at one? I wanna be in the route that'll give me the best possible results for my A's. Everyone has doubts. Everyone has inhibitions. But seriously, carpe diem, right? Sieze the day, with all my might. I don't know what to do, but simply let nature take its course. I swear to you, the next week is going to be highly tumultuous. Very. Nurjannahcheang, You will take it in your stride, you understand. You will take all this self-pity, anger and frustration, and purge it from your soul. Instead, you will learn from this. Learn from it all, and make things better. No matter how, you will make it all better - if there's something you're good at, its that. Take this opportunity and make the best out if it. The rest is left to God. love. back to top? |