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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 19:25
When you believe... Well you better believe it. RAMADHAN is over! Oh My God. Its over? SO SOON! I mean, okay, I don't have to fast no more, but well the holy month in the Islamic Calendar is gone. POOF! *whoosh* I mean, did I do enough? Was I pious enough? Did I make use of the month as i should've? So many many questions! Haix. I hope I'm blessed (: I must say, the suasana Aidilfitri (the hari raya atmosphere) really isn't there. I think cos yet again, we celebrate it in Singapore for the first day. I still haven't quite gotten used to it yet. And also i think cos instead of being at the mosque, I'm stuck at home doing my I thrive for the whole Hari Raya atmosphere and the fun, the laughter, the wearing pretty clothes (which btw: i haven't gotten any new raya cloths T.T sobs), the MONEY, the whole raya-ness, i LIVE for it. But then, i guess as we get older, these things tend to get more and more and more trivial, no? HAIX. Back to the most fucktarded subject ever created in mankind, pw. *JIA YOU JAN!* to everyone.. Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri, mohon maaf zahir & batin. Kalau tersilap kata atau kelakuan, maaf eh. Semoga sentiasa panjang umur, murah rezeki, dan semoga silaturrahim kita berkekal untuk selama-lama. May the month of ramadhan brought you loads of blessings, and well bucketloads of luck for your exams. Have a good time - food, family and friends. Selamat Hari Raya (:
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